Wrong Time for Mr. Right Page 3
Having her former agent here in the little piece of paradise she was beginning to call home had the potential to unhinge her. Even though she’d willingly given up her career—would do it again—there were times, when all was quiet in her villa, she wished for the bustle and chaos of a movie set. For her sanity, and for Caleb, she needed to keep her distance from Aaron.
“Sienna? Is everything okay?”
She pulled her gaze from Aaron and looked back at Frankie. “I’m fine. And the person with Tom Carrington is his agent, Aaron Madison.”
“And you know this because?”
Caleb sneezed, so she didn’t think her answer through as she rummaged in her tote for a tissue. “Aaron was my agent too.”
“Your agent? What are you talking about?”
She closed her eyes. Shit.
In all the times they’d visited the petting zoo and spoken to Frankie, the other woman hadn’t recognized her. Even Charity, the woman who knew everything and everyone in Mimosa Key hadn’t recognized her.
Although, she’d made sure to keep visits to the Super Min limited. Now, with speaking five words, her identity could be blown sky high.
Opening her eyes, she plastered on a bright smile and looked at Frankie. “Nothing.”
She canted her head to the left and studied Sienna. Her eyes widened and the second the ball dropped in Frankie’s mind was obvious. “You’re not Sienna Johnson. You’re Sienna Fairley, the actress.”
Thankfully, she’d practically whispered her assertion instead of screaming it for all the world to hear.
There would be no point denying, even if she wanted to. Might as well go the whole hog and tell her everything. The woman was married to a billionaire; Frankie had probably met more famous people than her. “Yes. Although, I’m both. Johnson is my given name, and I used Fairley for the stage.”
“Wow, the papers said you were in some far flung place detoxing from alcohol and drugs. Looking at you, you don’t look like you need to be drying out from substance abuse. Oh, umm, that Aaron guy is heading this way. Want me to keep Caleb occupied?”
What she wanted to do was go back in time to the day on the beach. If they’d gone back to the villa just thirty minutes or even fifteen minutes earlier, she never would’ve run into Aaron.
Once again, drawing on her acting experience, she straightened her shoulders. “Thanks, Frankie, that’ll be great if you could look after Caleb for a few minutes.”
“You’ve got it. Oh, you can trust me not to say anything about who you really are.” She touched Sienna’s arm before moving to where the boy stood. “Hey Caleb, I need to prepare food tubs to hand out to those who want to feed the animals. Want to help me?”
Caleb turned to Sienna, his brown eyes sparkling. “Can I, Mama? Can I go with Ms. Frankie?”
“Absolutely. Mind your manners, and listen to her.”
“I will.”
She watched them walk away, her heart bursting with pride.
He’d called her Mama again. That was twice in a matter of days. Were they finally turning a corner in their relationship?
“You’re a natural with him. No one would ever guess he isn’t yours.”
Sienna couldn’t stop the shiver of awareness from slithering down her spine. Her attraction to Aaron had started the moment he’d agreed to represent her.
The chance of it being returned was so slim it wasn’t funny. It hadn’t stopped her from doing anything and everything to try and get his attention. All her actions had achieved was her looking like a spoiled brat and Aaron, no doubt, finding her more annoying than a mosquito on a hot summer’s night.
“Hi, Aaron, and thank you. What’re you doing here?”
“Tom wanted to see the game.”
“Right. So why aren’t you watching the game now?”
Her former agent laughed, and again another shiver rippled through her. “The Bucks have a good lead, so we decided to get out before the rest of the crowd. Why are you here? I didn’t pick you as baseball fan. Or are you trying to get Caleb interested? But just so you know, I don’t represent baseball players.” He finished on a chuckle.
“Well considering you’re standing in the middle of a petting zoo, I figure the reason I’m here was pretty obvious. How much did you drink at the baseball field today?”
“Ah, yeah, okay.”
Seeing Aaron flustered was something she’d never experienced before, even when he’d come to bail her out of a particularly sticky situation; he’d always been super calm.
“Did you enjoy the game? Frankie said Tom’s getting married tomorrow, are you in the wedding party?”
“The game was good, exciting. They’ve got a great team put together. And yes, Tom’s getting married tomorrow. I’m best man. I suppose you could say this is the start of the bachelor party.”
“Baseball and a petting zoo, that’s certainly a different type of bachelor party. You’re living dangerously. I have to ask though, why no wild drinking games or dancing on tables?”
“Not sure that’s Tom’s scene and I’m too old for that.”
Sienna had no idea how old Aaron was, but she pegged him for being in his mid thirties. That wasn’t old. After seeing him shirtless on the beach yesterday, it was obvious he looked after himself. There wasn’t a hint of gray in his dark hair and if there was, it’d make him even sexier.
Stop it, Sienna. You can’t go there. You have a little boy that needs your total focus.
Sometimes she wanted to hit that voice out of her brain. While it was true, Caleb was her focus, there were times she wanted someone to hold her. Cherish her. And yes, even kiss and caress her.
Until her son was more comfortable around her, and they’d moved into the house she’d purchased here in Mimosa Key that was currently being renovated, then she could look at perhaps finding someone to spend some time with.
Not now. The timing was all wrong. No matter how tempting Aaron Madison had always been. She needed to remain strong.
“Sienna, are you okay?”
A warm hand landed on her arm, sending fissures of electricity zipping through her arm, heating every part of her.
She shook Aaron’s hand off. “I’m fine. I…uh, need to go get Caleb. Enjoy the wedding and the rest of your stay, Aaron.”
“Come to the wedding with me.”
The last thing she’d expected was for Aaron to ask her out.
“I asked you to come to the wedding with me. Tom knows you’re here and he won’t say anything to anyone. He said I could bring someone. I want to bring you.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “You look like you need someone to look after you.”
Confusion welled inside of her. What was Aaron doing, touching her? Asking her out. He’d never once crossed the line between agent/client relationship they’d shared.
Why was he doing it now? He had no idea how much she’d wanted him to cross that line when she’d been throwing her little attention seeking stunts.
Oh how she wanted to say yes. But…it wasn’t just her she needed to think about now.
“Thank you, but I don’t think that would be a good idea. Besides, I don’t have anyone to babysit Caleb.”
“If you’re worried about anyone recognizing you, I don’t think you need to. If I didn’t I know you as well I do, I wouldn’t have recognized you. As for Caleb, I can check to see if it’s okay to bring him. I think one of Caryn’s bridesmaids is bringing her kids.”
The temptation to say yes was overwhelming. She couldn’t pull the trigger. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to intrude. Plus, I really don’t know how Caleb will go in a big crowd.”
“I can watch him, if you want.”
Sienna whipped around to find Frankie standing behind her. Caleb was once again enthralled with the baby goats.
“What? Why would you do that?” Sienna cringed as the words burst out of her. “Sorry, that was rude.”
Frankie laughed. “No rude
r than me eavesdropping on your conversation. Seriously though, Elliott’s leaving tonight to go out of town for a couple of days. I’ll be more than happy to look after Caleb, if you want a night off.”
“I don’t know.” Indecision rode her hard. With every decision she made concerning Caleb, she always asked herself—would David and Shannon be okay with her doing that with their son.
There was also always the specter of Shannon’s mom, Glenda’s, continued threats to take her to court to sue for custody of Caleb hanging over her head like a dark storm cloud.
She didn’t think they had anyone watching her down here but she couldn’t be too sure. It had happened before.
“What’s wrong, Sienna?” Concern filtered into Aaron’s tone.
“Look,” Frankie interjected. “I can keep an eye on Caleb for another half an hour if you guys want to go get a drink or something and talk. I can recommend the goat’s milk chocolate shakes.”
Frankie’s smile was genuine and open.
Perhaps if Sienna shared her doubts, they wouldn’t be so bad. She’d always confided in David. He knew about her crush on Aaron, had told her on numerous occasions to just tell the man she was interested.
If he were alive he’d be telling her to take the leap now and never look back. David had believed in her more than she believed in herself.
“Okay, that sounds great. Thanks, Frankie. Let me just go tell Caleb.”
She only hoped she was doing the right thing; her track record with Aaron wasn’t the best.
Maybe this time would be different.
Chapter Five
Aaron waited at the counter to place their order and watched Sienna as she sat at an outside table looking around as though she was dreading being recognized. If he hadn’t recalled she was once the hottest commodity in Hollywood who adored people coming up to her, he’d have thought she was nervous.
This Sienna was completely different to the Sienna he’d known. Tom had been fine with them having a drink without him. He was going back to the game to shoot the breeze with Elliott Becker and his friends.
The guy had also encouraged him to get Sienna to come to the wedding. Aaron had bitched to Tom many a time about how difficult Sienna was. In fact, he’d made a side trip down to Barefoot Bay when Tom had first visited, to get him to sign a new endorsement deal. While he’d been there he’d told his friend Sienna had done a runner from the film she’d been working on and he had to find her.
Shit. Was it when her brother died?
It all fit. The email he’d received while he’d been looking for her had said she quit.
Everything he’d ever thought about her had to have been wrong. The shallow, flighty, diva Sienna he’d known wasn’t the same as the woman today. Today’s woman had put a little boy’s well being over her own.
“Can I help you sir?” The girl behind the counter smiled, bringing his attention back to the present.
“May I have two chocolate shakes, and I’ll take a slice of chocolate cake as well. With two spoons, please.”
“Certainly, sir.”
He paid for their drinks and food and wandered back to where Sienna waited.
Aaron placed the cake on the table and took the seat opposite her. “I got some cake. Can’t have a shake without something sweet.”
“And a chocolate milkshake isn’t sweet enough? Try again, sunshine.”
He laughed. “Okay, busted. It looked good so I couldn’t resist.” He handed her a fork. “Go on, you know you want to try some.”
They sat quietly and took turns splitting morsels of cake. Every time Sienna’s lips closed over her fork, he bit back a groan as he imagined her lips melding with his.
Aaron shifted in his seat as his pants got a little tighter.
What the hell’s wrong with me?
He’d known Sienna for years. Had helped her break into the tough world of acting and, apart from the first time she’d walked into his office, he’d remained immune to her.
Until now.
Was it because he was seeing the real Sienna for the first time?
The cake dwindled down to nothing and he couldn’t avoid her gaze. “Why Barefoot Bay and Casa Blanca Resort? If you want to hideaway from people, not get recognized, I wouldn’t have thought this would’ve been the place to come stay.”
“Do you know how many famous and wealthy people come to this resort or live on this little island? This is the perfect place to hide in plain sight because everyone here is very discrete. Only a handful of people know who I really am, and I’d like to keep it that way.”
Those words were directed at Aaron. As if he’d say anything to anyone. Sure, she’d been a big-ticket client for him and he missed the twenty percent he’d earned from her, but her life was different and acting was no longer her priority. He was okay with that. He wouldn’t pressure her into going back into films. Not unless she wanted to.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to say anything. Why would I?”
“Well, I’m not being arrogant here, but I was one of your big money makers. I’d think your bottom line isn’t as plump as it used to be.”
It wasn’t a surprise she’d echoed his thoughts. Sienna had known her value and she’d made him play hardball on a couple of films. There were things she didn’t want to do and he’d made sure he always achieved her preferences in their contracts.
“This is true, but,” he reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. “I can see your focus is on Caleb, and yes, as much as I’d like to have you back working, I’m not going to force you into doing something you don’t want to.”
“You’re right, my focus is solely on Caleb and helping him adjust to his new normal. I’m done acting, Aaron. I’m not changing my mind.”
Sienna might talk a good game, and she probably believed at this very moment that she was done with acting. But the way her eyes dimmed fractionally when she spoke about giving it up told a different story. She missed it. She just didn’t realize it yet.
Most other agents would push their client into returning. He wasn’t that type of agent. Sure he’d love to get her into some of the big budget films various producers had sent him the scripts for. Many would catapult Sienna’s career even further and he’d had been pissed off when he didn’t know where she was. Seeing her now and seeing her with Caleb; he wasn’t going to push her at all. Even he could see her life was in turmoil.
“Even though I still get scripts I think would be perfect for you, I’m not going to try and talk you into returning.”
“Why not?” Her eyes narrowed at his easy capitulation.
He supposed she had every reason to distrust him. Hollywood was a dog eat dog place. “Because it would be a big mistake. I don’t make mistakes.”
“Ahh there’s the arrogant agent I know.”
Aaron laughed. “Come to the wedding with me. I’m sure you haven’t had a break from Caleb over the last few months. Frankie said she’d take him. I bet if you asked him, he’d be over the moon to spend time with the animals. He loves being around them.”
“You’ve known him all of two hours, tops, how can you make that assumption?”
“It’s my job to read people quickly and assess if they have talent or not. The way Caleb was playing with the baby goats and how happily he went off with Frankie to help her prepare the feed bags, it’s clear being here is a safe environment for him. As safe as being with you.”
In all the years he’d known Sienna, he’d never seen her chew on the inside of her lip like she was doing now. She was torn.
He leaned forward in attempt to create an illusion of safety and privacy. “What’s really going on, Sienna? What’s holding you back? You can trust me. You know me. I swear I won’t say anything. If I was that sleazy Hollywood agent who only thought of himself and his bottom line, the place would be crawling with paparazzi by now. It would be all over the internet as well. But it’s not and it won’t be. When I leave here in three weeks’ time, your secret will go
with me and remain that way.”
Her eyes widened. “Three weeks? You’re here for three weeks?”
“Is that a problem?”
This was more than uncertainty about going to a wedding, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Chapter Six
Was it a problem?
“No, no problem. No problem at all.” The lie tripped off her tongue.
Of course it was a problem. Sitting across a table from the very sexy Aaron Madison, who looked as scrumptious in casual clothes as he did in a suit, was a problem.
Not to mention, he still held her hand. Her skin sizzled with so much energy she was surprised it wasn’t smoking all over the place.
No way could she let him know just how much his presence was frying her sensibility chips. And he wanted her to go with him to Tom and Caryn’s wedding—crazy.
Absolutely crazy.
The best thing to do would be to say no, grab Caleb and retreat to her villa for the next three weeks. By then her house would be done and she could move and forget all about her life as Sienna Fairley, A-List film star and notorious diva on set.
She was ready to start her life as Sienna Johnson, mother to Caleb.
Aaron’s declaration he still received scripts from producers wanting to cast her in their films shocked her. She was sure after six months she would be forgotten.
Even she heard the skepticism in his voice. She looked over to the petting zoo and saw Caleb happily playing with the baby chicks and laughing up at something Frankie said.
“Am I doing the wrong thing, keeping him away from people?” she murmured.
The sound of the chair scraping across the cement floor was the only warning she had before Aaron’s warm arm closed over her shoulders. “No, you’re not doing anything wrong at all. As you said, what you’re doing is getting Caleb used to his new life. He seems happy, why not let him stay with Frankie? If it’ll ease your mind, give her your number and she can call you if he needs you. You’re not leaving him for weeks or months, you’re only leaving him for one day.”