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Wrong Time for Mr. Right Page 7

  Of course, it was going to be perfect. Aaron would make it perfect. She had no doubt of that.

  “More than okay,” she whispered as she gripped his length, stroking from base to tip and back again. Power swept over her when his eyes rolled back and a tortured groan ripped from his chest.

  The need to hear that sound again and again pulsed in her blood and she rolled the condom on.

  Sienna squealed when he flipped them again so he was in the driver’s seat. She didn’t mind that one little bit.

  He positioned himself at her entrance, his fingers reaching down and stroking her.

  She was more than ready for him. “Now,” she demanded.

  Sienna caught her bottom lip between her teeth when he pushed inside of her. Nothing could describe the sense of rightness flowing between them as he thrust his hips so he was fully seated.

  Any words she wanted to say were swallowed up when he began a rhythmic in and out motion.

  Aaron’s movements were measured and smooth. His hands were everywhere, pinching her nipples to increase her pleasure.

  Her hips rose, chasing him as he retreated from her body. Heat burned through her as her orgasm grew. Tingles at the base of her spine spread out like a clinging vine until it consumed her. Her body throbbed as she climaxed, calling out his name.

  He kept up the movements until he joined her and his own orgasm vibrated through him.

  Sienna had been right. Nothing in her past had prepared her for how perfect making love with Aaron was. She wanted more that this night.

  Sadly, that dream couldn’t possibly come true.

  A sound jolted Sienna from the sleep she’d been in. She lay quietly, her heart beating fast. Ever since she and Caleb had started living together, it was like a maternal switch had burst to life inside of her. She woke at the slightest sound.

  The rustling of the sheets reminded her she wasn’t alone, especially when a warm hand caressed her back.

  “You okay?” Aaron asked, his voice holding that sexy just-woke-up gravelly tone.

  As much as she wanted to stay wrapped in the little cocoon of bliss they’d created, her mothering instincts called out to her. “I need to check on Caleb.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  If she hadn’t already fallen for him, his question would’ve started her on the quest.

  How could this man be so caring as to ask if she needed help?

  Most guys would roll over and start snoring again before she’d reached the door. It would be nice to say yes.

  She didn’t have the luxury of that option, though. If she walked into Caleb’s room with Aaron beside her, the little boy wouldn’t understand what was going on.

  Her heart clenched with regret. What needed to be said wasn’t going to be easy. She only hoped Aaron understood what she was about to say.

  Damn, how did other single mother’s deal with bed partners? Is that why so many didn’t get involved with men until their kids were older?

  It hadn’t been intentional to fall into bed with Aaron tonight. However, one thing was certain; she didn’t regret one second of their lovemaking.

  “Hey, you know what? I think it’s probably best if I left. I don’t want to confuse Caleb.”

  Sienna flicked her light on, disbelief pounding her mind. “How did you know I was about to say something like that?”

  Aaron laughed. “I didn’t, but I’m not an insensitive douche. You’ve told me you put Caleb first. It makes sense you wouldn’t want him to find us in bed. Even though we had a nice time at the beach, I’m still basically a stranger.”

  She shook her head. “You’re a good guy, Aaron Madison. I already knew it, but you’ve just reinforced it.” Remorse at how she’d acted in the past settled low in her stomach. “I’m sorry for all the stress I caused you over the years.”

  Aaron looked like he wanted to stay something more, but a cry echoed through the villa.

  Panic sank its claws in deep and Sienna shot out of bed. Grabbing her robe from the hook on the back of the door, she was in the hallway before he could say anything else.

  Caleb’s cries were loud when she entered his room. The only time he’d cried like this was when he’d had nightmares just after the accident.

  Guilt assailed her. Had spending the afternoon and evening with Aaron caused Caleb’s nightmares to return?

  What did it matter? The little boy needed her, and she’d give him her full focus.

  Perhaps this was the reminder she needed.

  No matter how much she wanted to have a piece of life she could call her own, until everything was settled with Caleb, it should remain the two of them.

  Pity the idea of a family of three had sprouted to life in her mind.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you enjoying your stay with us, Mr. Madison?”

  Aaron looked up from the article he was reading on his tablet and smiled at Lacey Walker, the owner of Casa Blanca Resort. He’d wandered to breakfast at the restaurant at the resort, instead of getting something delivered to his villa. He’d spent far too much time by himself in that building. “Yes, I am, thank you. I’m going to be sad to leave.”

  “You can’t tell me you’re not itching to broker a new deal for a client?”

  He chuckled. His assistant had emailed him this morning with an urgent message about a deal that couldn’t wait until he returned. “Well, Hollywood deals never stop. I may technically be on vacation, attempting to relax and recharge the batteries, but I’m not really. I’ve negotiated a couple of new movie deals for my clients since I’ve been here.”

  “When you’re your own boss, you kind of lose the ability to have a completely relaxing vacation.”

  “You sound like you speak from experience.”

  Lacey pointed to the building behind her. “I have the best management team possible, but this is my baby. My responsibility. What’s success if you don’t keep working at it? I may work hard, but I also make sure I have plenty of family time and date nights with my husband. I know from experience how everything can be ripped away from you when you least expect it.” She touched his shoulder. “Business will always be there, but it’s important to make time for yourself.”

  “Why do I feel like I’ve just been lectured?”

  She laughed. “I probably didn’t need to say anything to you. If you can survive Hollywood, you can survive anywhere.”


  “I may be overstepping my mark here, but there’s a reason our motto is Kick off your shoes and fall in love. I’m not saying you should fall in love, but kicking off your shoes and opening yourself up to new experiences is a good way to live. Now I’ve said too much, I’ll leave you to your breakfast. Enjoy the rest of your stay.”

  As the woman walked away, Aaron absorbed her words. It’d been a week since he’d walked out of Sienna’s villa in the middle of the night, the sounds of Caleb’s cries following him out the door.

  He’d gone to see her the next day and she’d all but shut the door in his face. He didn’t need a medical degree to take the hint she wanted to be alone with the boy.

  What he hadn’t been prepared for was going to see her two days later and finding she’d moved out. That had stung.

  That she’d left without letting him know. Or sending him a text. It wasn’t like he’d changed his number. If she wanted to get in touch with him, she could have.

  It was a bitter pill to swallow to know he’d been nothing but a means to scratch an itch for Sienna.


  He refused to sully the night they’d shared with those type of thoughts. Nothing in the way she’d responded to him indicated she was using him.

  Sure, she’d been the one to make the move when she’d straddled his body on the couch. But he’d been with her every step of the way.

  He closed his eyes and relived the time he’d spent with Sienna. She’d said something that, at the time, he should’ve questioned further.

  What was

  Not for lack of trying.

  Aaron heard the words she’d said as though she was standing next to him and repeated them.

  He recalled now that she’d teased him about putting on a show and he’d responded by saying she’d never given him a show.

  Which was ridiculous, considering he’d been to her movie set and she’d more than given him a show. What she’d given him was a disaster. He’d lost count of the how many times he’d had to put out a fire caused by Sienna.

  No way.


  Had she been acting that way to get his attention?

  It was pretty egotistical of him to think her tantrums were all in an attempt to make him notice her. She was his client for, Christ’s sake. He’d been attracted to her the minute she’d walked through the door. Some might even choose to think he’d taken her on because of that. Couldn’t be further from the truth.

  He’d watched her audition tape and had known she had what it took to be a star. Aaron had forced any attraction he’d had toward her so far down he’d forgotten it had existed.

  Until he saw her on the beach.

  Yes, his first thought had been anger at how she’d disappeared and thrown away her career. Then he’d gotten to know her. Like really know who she was.

  The deep buried attraction had flown to the surface. Now it had grown into something stronger.

  He wouldn’t say it was love, but it was damn close.

  Love? What the hell am I thinking?

  No way.

  Although… What else could it be? His instinctive response to seeing her and Caleb was to protect them. Cherish them. Girly thoughts but true none the less.

  Maybe there was something magical about Barefoot Bay and Casa Blanca Resort.

  A relationship between them would be difficult, but not impossible. Sure, his business was in LA, but with today’s technology he could operate his office anywhere. Or maybe take on a partner.

  He had a stable group of clients. Not huge, but they had provided him with a good life. Perhaps it was time for him to re-evaluate his own life. If he was truthful with himself, he was growing tired of Hollywood.

  There was so much to consider and Aaron was getting way ahead of himself. Any feelings he had could simply be due to the romance of the wedding and the island.

  Plus he had no idea if Sienna would even be open to pursuing some sort of relationship with him. Her focus was on Caleb, and her non-response to his texts was a pretty big indication she wasn’t interested.

  He didn’t quite believe that. Not now, that he’d looked back over their past. He remembered every tantrum and encounter with fresh eyes and saw things he’d missed before.

  The look in her eyes. A look he now recognized as need and desire, having seen it first hand the night they’d slept together.

  Something was there, Aaron just had to reach out and grasp it and hope like hell Sienna wanted to grasp it as well.

  Aaron walked into the Super Min, hot, bothered and more frustrated than he’d ever been in his life. He’d spent the last two hours trying to find Sienna and had come up empty-handed.

  He headed to the row of glass refrigerators and opened the door, pulling out a bottle of water before moving to another one and grabbing a soda out as well. He placed the water bottle on the back of his neck in an attempt to cool himself down.

  Where can I look for her next?

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you in town before?”

  Too late he remembered Tom’s warning about staying away from the Super Min if he wanted to avoid gossip. But…gossip could help him. Maybe this lady knew where Sienna was. Or had seen her, at least. What was the woman’s name?




  That was it.

  An old saying drifted into his mind, ‘you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar’. Aaron had no idea if this woman could help him, but a little bit of charm could go a long way.

  “You must be Charity. Tom Carrington told me about you. He said you were the most popular lady in town.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms across her chest. “Flattery won’t work.”

  Okay, so maybe he’d laid it on a little thick. He tried a different tactic and held out his hand. “I’m Aaron Madison. I was the best man at Tom’s wedding.”

  Charity sniffed and her back stiffened even more. “I didn’t get invited to that wedding.”

  He bit his tongue so he didn’t bust out with the words, ‘why would you? It was only family and friends.’ However, antagonizing this lady wouldn’t do him any good. “I’m sorry you didn’t get invited. I wasn’t in charge of the guest list.” He leaned forward on the counter and dropped his voice a couple of octaves. “The wedding is poorer for not having you there.”

  “Oh, you’re a charmer, aren’t you? Pity I’m immune to Hollywood charm.”

  Aaron couldn’t help but laugh. “You may not like me, Charity of the Super Min, but I like you. I could use your no-nonsense attitude with my diva clients.”

  It was exactly the right thing to say. In a flash, her arms dropped to her sides and her lips moved into what he would guess was her smile. Wasn’t a smile that would sell toothpaste, but he’d take it.

  “So what can I do for you, young man?”

  “Just the drinks, thanks.”

  “You sure you don’t want that magazine?” Charity pointed to a lone magazine sitting on the counter by the cash register.

  He gave it a cursory glance and saw it was one of the gossip mags he always avoided. “Nah, just the drinks.”

  “Are you sure? Could be interesting reading?”

  Why was she pushing a three dollar magazine on him? He’d heard all about upselling. Usually it involved a higher priced item or service. A cheap magazine that got its news from family sources wasn’t one of those things.

  “No, just the drinks,” he said firmly.

  Charity shrugged. “Your loss.” She rang up the drinks. “That’ll be four-fifty, thanks.”

  Relieved his escape was imminent, he handed over a five dollar bill and collected the drinks. “Thanks, keep the change.” Aaron headed toward the exit, any thoughts of picking the woman’s brains about Sienna pushed away. It probably would be safer for Sienna if Charity didn’t know she lived on the island.

  That is if she still does.

  He had the door handle half-turned, when he heard his name being called.

  Damn so close.

  Aaron took a deep breath and faced the woman trotting toward him, magazine in hand.

  “Really, you should read this Mr. Hollywood. On the house. I insist.” She shoved the offending paper item in his chest, and he had no option but to take it.


  “Oh, you’ll be thanking me, young man. I expect you to come back and do it in person.” With that, the store owner swiveled on her heel and marched back to her perch behind the counter.

  The sticky, humid Florida air hit him the second he walked out of the air-conditioned shop. He peeled the magazine from his chest, ready to toss it in the trashcan, when he took in the headline.

  Sienna Fairley resurfaces with a child.

  The words jumped out at him and the picture on the front registered.


  On the cover of the sleazy rag was a picture of him, Sienna and Caleb sitting at a table sharing an ice-cream. Fortunately, the boy’s face was obscured, but the focus was more what he and Sienna were doing anyway.

  They were smiling at each other, their fingertips touching, Sienna’s eyes soft and open, as though she trusted him completely. His expression held the exact same look.


  The words in the right hand corner of the cover were even more damning.

  Is this Love with her Agent? Is Sienna making a comeback?

  How the hell had he not known about this article?

  Aaron had Google alerts set up for all his clients, so he
would be informed once their name appeared online. In a tweet, Snapchat, or Instagram hash tag, he knew about it. Immediately.

  But he’d turned off the alerts for Sienna once he’d found her at Barefoot Bay. How could he have been so stupid as to do that?

  More to the point, why had Charity asked who he was, if she’d recognized him from the cover of the magazine? Maybe she wasn’t the bad gossip everyone made her out to be.

  He glanced back at the store and noticed the woman observing him. With a wave of his hand, he sent a silent thanks. Her nod acknowledged his gesture.

  Tucking the magazine under his arm, he strode back to his car, his mind switching to crisis mode. This picture was the last thing Sienna needed. It was just the ammunition Caleb’s grandparents needed to have to sue for custody of the boy

  She had to be devastated.

  Aaron needed to find out where she was. And he needed to do it now. Instead of getting into his car, he whirled back into the Super Min. Maybe Charity would be his ally.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Her phone buzzed again and Sienna didn’t need to look at the screen to know who was texting her.


  The other woman had been hounding her since she’d seen the picture of Sienna, Aaron and Caleb on some trashy gossip magazine.

  After the first phone call, she’d sent all her calls to voicemail. It was the wrong thing to do, but she need time to think about how she could fix this problem.

  When she’d looked online and saw the picture and headlines, she’d cried. Then she’d gotten angry.

  At Aaron.

  At herself.

  How could she have been so stupid as to put Caleb at risk by taking herself out in public?

  Until her former agent had arrived, she’d been super careful with where she’d gone and what she’d done. Her visits to La Dolce Vita had occurred on the days when there wasn’t a baseball game. The last time Sienna had been there, it had been game day, only because she’d promised Caleb and hadn’t realized a game would be on. While she’d been there, she’d seen Aaron. Then she’d gone to the wedding with him. The day they’d slept together, they’d been very public with the kiss on the beach and at Ms. Icey’s, for ice-cream. She’d never taken Caleb there before. Now, it was obvious she couldn’t take him again.