Guarding Brielle_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Read online

Page 8

  Her fingers had hovered over Tim’s name to call him and cancel, a half an hour after she woke. What held her back from changing their plans, was the need to see him. The desire to be held in his arms. Feel his lips on hers again.

  A shiver of desire zoomed through her body before coalescing in her core. He’d been such a gentleman on Monday night. If he’d given any indication he was wavering on keeping his word to leave, she’d have ripped her clothes off in the foyer and jumped him. Something she’d never done with any of the guys she dated or slept with before.

  Her heart leaped into her throat when she registered the rapping on her door. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed her hands down the front of her lilac capri pants. She’d teamed it with a white short sleeved sweater. She didn’t know the dress code of the party, but figured it would be casual.

  The last thing she wanted was for Tim to think she was on the verge of a panic attack, so once she was Convinced she had herself under control, Brielle opened the door. “Hi, how…” The rest of the sentence lodged in her throat.

  Damn, did the man ever look terrible? Even when he’d been covered in dirt and a beard he’d still been the best-looking guy she’d ever seen. Since she’d last clapped eyes on him he’d shaved the growth off his face, had a haircut and smelled so delicious, she worried that she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off him.

  “Hey, you look gorgeous.” Tim said as he stepped over the threshold.

  Pulling herself together she released her iron grip on the front door and closed it. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Giving into temptation she reached up and ran her hand down his smooth cheek. “I like this look.”

  He smiled ruefully and placed his hand over hers, holding it in place against his face. “Yeah, I couldn’t wait to get rid of it. My face itches under all that hair.”

  What did his chest look like? Was it covered in hair or did he manscape? She mentally snorted at the last thought. A tough Navy SEAL would never manscape. “Must be hard when you’re away all the time.”

  “I usually have too much other stuff going on to be distracted by my itchy face. You ready to go?” he asked, clearly not wanting to talk about his facial hair or his job.

  “Yep, let me grab my purse and the gift I got.”

  “You got them a gift?” he asked, surprise coloring his tone.

  “Well yeah, it’s a housewarming party. It’s usually customary for people to bring gifts to the new homeowners.”

  “Huh? Hmm, I never even gave it a thought.”

  Brielle picked up her purse and the gift bag. “Boys never do. It’s lucky you have me,” she joked.

  Tim slipped an arm around her, bringing her close to him. Her breath caught in her throat as he lowered his head. She’d been imaging kissing him again since their make out session on her couch. “I’m very lucky to have you.” He kissed her softly on the lips and she melted into his embrace. It was over too quickly for her, but she understood that there was no way they could take it further.

  “I guess we’d better go,” she said, her nerves firing to life in her belly. “Have you told your team about who I am?”

  “Not everything. I mean Robot and Carlos know who you are, they were with me the day in the dress shop and know that we rescued you in India. But the other guys don’t. All they know is I’m bringing a girl today.”

  Her anxiety at meeting the guys who’d saved her was riding high. It hadn’t exactly been an auspicious occasion to meet people. If her father knew who she was dating, he’d pitch a fit. But he’d also want her to be happy. A Navy SEAL wouldn’t have been his first choice of a suitor for her. He’d more than likely prefer her to be involved with a guy who had a desk job in New York and a trust fund that would match her own.

  As if sensing her nervousness, Tim pulled her in for another tight hug before they left her apartment. “Don’t worry, the guys will welcome you with open arms and so will the girls.”

  She hoped he was right. Nothing worse than being the girl who no one got on with.

  “Let me get this straight,” Brielle asked as they walked up the driveway of a nice looking ranch house. “Joker and Suzie are engaged and pregnant. Italy and Erin are engaged and pregnant. The rest of the guys are all single?”

  Referring to Tim’s teammates by their nicknames was weird, but she supposed they were so used to being called by them that they probably didn’t answer to given names. Although Tim had asked her to call him by his name and not T-Rex.

  “Yep, Cowboy and Red are single. Robot is, I suppose if you put his relationship status up on Facebook, it would be classed as It’s Complicated.”

  “You guys use Facebook? Isn’t that dangerous?” They were SEALs. They dealt with undesirables from all over the world, being active on social media didn’t make sense. To her it would put them more in danger if they gave continual status updates on where they were and what they were doing.

  Tim laughed. “You’re right, it’s not something we generally use. But sometimes it’s used when we’re dealing with particular terrorist threats. Some assholes like to use social media as way to recruit new members, and to leave cryptic messages before they attack. We need to be familiar with all the latest trends.”

  A shiver rippled down her spine at his words. “Nowhere is safe really, is it?”

  Tim squeezed her hand. “You’re safe here. I told you I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She returned his squeeze. “Yeah I know.” As they approached the door, she turned to Tim. “By the way, I did put your name on the card. I played it safe and got them a vase and I also found a cute little baby girl outfit. You did mention they were having a girl, right?”

  Tim looked down at her with wide eyes. Had she done the wrong thing by putting his name on the card? Was she taking liberties when she shouldn’t have been? She may not know the people she was about to meet, but there was no way she could turn up empty handed to a house warming party. It wasn’t right.

  “You’re amazing, do you know that?” Tim whispered as he leaned down and kissed her. No way would she object to his advances, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for such PDA’s around his friends.

  “You need to stop doing that?” she responded when he finally let her up for air.

  “Stop what?”

  “Kissing me.” Her cheeks warmed when the door opened just as she finished speaking. Great, now she wouldn’t be able to look this person in the eye without knowing they’d heard her talking about Tim kissing her.

  “T-Rex. Come in.” The door opened wider and the tall man smiled down at her. “You must be, Brielle. I’m Joker, welcome to our home.”

  Brielle called on the social skills she’d been using since she was seventeen and her father had asked her to be his partner and accompany him to certain functions. “Hi, thank you for inviting me.” She held out the bag. “This is for you and your fiancée.”

  For half a beat Joker looked at the bag as if she was handing him a bomb that had five seconds left on the timer before it exploded in his hand. He then transferred his gaze to Tim, raising an eyebrow and she suspected a silent communication was going on between the teammates. Finally, he took the bag from her grasp. “Umm, thank you. You didn’t have to do this.”

  “It’s nothing too extravagant.” Embarrassment washed over her, had she made a huge mistake buying a gift? These guys probably didn’t do the normal social niceties the people she’d grown up with did.

  “Don’t mind these lugs.” A feminine voice floated toward them. A very pregnant woman entered the fray. “They have no idea of how things are in some social settings. Thank you for your gift. It’s very kind of you to think of bringing us one. I’m Suzie by the way.” She held out her hand, her smile friendly and the tension that had been living in her since she handed over the gift, drifted out of her.

  “Hi, I’m Brielle Wilson. It’s nice to meet you. Your house is lovely.”

  Suzie’s smile grew wide. “We love it. Ryan, why don’t you t
ake T-Rex and Brielle out the back. I just need to deal with a few more things in the kitchen and then I’ll be out.”

  “Can I help you?” Brielle asked.

  “Nope, you’re a guest. Please go and enjoy yourself.”

  Brielle smiled as Joker kissed Suzie on the cheek and patted her pregnant belly. The love between the two of them shone out for all too see. One day she hoped a man would look at her like that. Like she was the most important thing in the world.

  She’d looked out the corner of her eye at Tim standing beside her. Could he be that man?

  Whoa, she needed to slow down. This was only their third official date, if she counted him attending Gemima’s wedding as their first date and dinner at her place the second. He may decide her panic attacks were too much for him to deal with and walk away from her.

  A cold chill settled low in her spine at that thought.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Tim asked.

  She looked at him, properly this time and not from the corner of her eye. Concern shone brightly in his brown eyes, chasing away her chill. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “If anything gets too much for you, tell me and we’ll leave. I don’t care if it’s in two minutes or two hours. If you want to go, we’ll go.”

  Her heart jumped at the truth of his words. “I will. Come on, let’s go have some fun.”

  Two hours later, Brielle was having a good time talking with Suzie, Erin and Antonia, who was Erin’s best friend.

  She noticed Suzie wincing as she rubbed her stomach. It wasn’t the first time since they’d sat down after eating that she’d done that. Erin and Antonia were chatting to each other, so they hadn’t noticed what the other woman was doing.

  Brielle looked around and saw all the guys talking together in one group. No one seemed to be paying attention to the very pregnant woman, except her. “Suzie,” she said quietly, not wanting to draw attention to them just yet. “Are you okay?”

  Suzie smiled, then grimaced. “Yeah, just having a Braxton Hicks contraction. It’s normal about this time in the pregnancy. It’s the body’s way of getting it ready for the big event.”

  “Are you sure?” Brielle wasn’t convinced but then again, she’d never been pregnant before.

  “Yep. But I think I might get up. I’m not exactly comfortable.”

  Brielle leaped up from her chair and went over to help Suzie up. “Do you need me to get Joker?”

  “No. I’m, ohhhh.”

  The sound of water hitting the grass registered with Brielle. “Shit, did your water just break?” She may never have had a baby, but she’d seen enough shows with expectant mothers and their waters breaking when they least expect it.

  “Oh my God, Suzie. Shit.” Erin screeched loudly.

  The guys rushed over, Joker immediately reaching for his fiancée. His face paling when he registered the look of panic on her face.

  “Are you okay?” Tim murmured in Brielle’s ear.

  “Yeah, but I think the party’s over. Suzie’s water just broke.”


  “Not quite the correct word but yeah.” Brielle looked around the small group, everyone seemed to be frozen. “Do you think we should take her to the hospital.”

  All at once everyone burst into action. Joker wrapped an arm around Suzie and led her toward the backdoor. Robot, fell naturally into his role as team lead and instructed the guys not attached to make sure the grill was doused and to carry the leftover food into the house. Erin rushed over to Italy, who held her close, his hand closing over Erin’s own baby bump. She was witnessing team work at its finest.

  “Do you want to go to the hospital?” asked Tim as everyone piled out of the house and toward their cars.

  “If you want me there, I’ll go. Otherwise you can take me home and then go back to the hospital. I know it’s important for you to be there. You told me you guys all have each other’s backs.”

  Tim pulled her in for a hug. “I think I’d like you there with me.”

  “Then, let’s go.” A sense of pleasure flowed over her. He may not have come out and said it totally, but she’d been able to hear the apprehension in Tim’s voice. The worry he held for his teammate and fiancée. There were risks with everything related to having a baby. Unfortunate accidents could happen during birth. It was gratifying to know he wanted her support. He’d given it to her so many times, she was glad she could now give it back to him.

  The atmosphere in the waiting room was a mixture of tension and excitement. The tension belonged to Antonia and Robot who glared at each other. Excitement belonged to everyone else awaiting the news that Baby Joker, as the team referred to her, would arrive.

  Tim’s knee bounced up and down beside her and Brielle put her hand over it. “I’m getting motion sick just looking at that.”

  “Sorry,” he said and clasped his hand over hers. She found he’d been touching her at every opportunity today. Brielle couldn’t deny she liked the stamp of ownership he was staking.

  “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

  Brielle looked up in time to see Antonia storming toward the exit of the waiting room, pausing only to look over her shoulder at Robot and throw him a death glare. Everyone stopped their conversations at the outburst.

  “Jesus, Robot, what the fuck have you done now?” asked Italy.

  “Nothing,” the other man ground out as he stalked out of the room.

  After a few seconds everyone got back to their conversations. Curiosity got the better of Brielle. She acknowledged she’d only met everyone today, officially that is. It seemed that most of the guys had worked out who she was, except Joker, but he’d been out of it on the helicopter. They hadn’t mentioned how they’d first met her but they’d welcomed her as one of their own. All day she’d watched the byplay between Robot and Antonia. They almost had a love/hate relationship.

  “Did Antonia and Robot used to date?” she asked Tim quietly.

  “Fucked if I know.”

  His cursing startled her. “What do you mean?”

  Tim shrugged. “Remember when I said Robot’s relationship status would be it’s complicated?”


  “Antonia is the complication. No one really knows what’s going on with the two of them. They’ve been like this since the first weekend they met each other.”

  “She’s Erin’s best friend, right?” When all the girls had been talking before Suzie’s waters broke, Erin had shared how she and Antonia and Italy had all gone to high school together. How Erin and Antonia had been kidnapped and the team had saved them. But not once during the whole conversation did either one say that Antonia and Robot had dated. Clearly there was a history between them. What it was appeared to be anyone’s guess.

  Commotion in the room pulled Brielle from her inner thoughts. Tim had her standing and moving before she could blink.

  Brielle looked up and saw Joker standing in the room, wearing a hospital gown, booties and the biggest grin she’d ever seen.

  “She’s here,” he burst out. From where she stood, Brielle could see the tears shining in Joker’s eyes. “Emma Brianne Smith, six pounds ten ounces, twenty inches long. Ten fingers. Ten toes and Suzie was amazing.”

  A cheer went up from everyone in the room. Brielle stood back and watched as Joker got hugged and slapped on the back, her eyes filling with tears at the comradery between everyone.

  Joker left the room with Erin who demanded to be able to see Suzie and baby Emma.

  She startled when a warm hand caressed her lower back. She looked up to see Tim smiling down at her.

  “Okay?” he murmured.

  The intensity of his gaze burned the words forming in her throat, as if the birth of Joker’s baby brought out the alpha male in him. She couldn’t control the shiver rippling down her spine. All she could manage was a nod.

  The second Tim’s lips connected with hers, she was lost. They’d shared kisses before, but Brielle instinctively knew this kiss was going to be more
intense than anything they’d ever experienced together.

  She wasn’t wrong. Tim practically inhaled her. He pulled her tight against him and her arms wound around his neck. The man set her senses on fire. She hadn’t been touched by her kidnappers and for that she was grateful. If they had, she didn’t think she’d be able to deal with Tim’s alpha masculinity.

  “Jesus, we’re in a hospital, go get a fucking room.” Robot’s voice jolted them from their kiss. So lost in Tim’s embrace she’d forgotten they were in a waiting room in a hospital. A room full of Tim’s teammates.

  Tim pulled his lips away from hers and rested his forehead against hers. Embarrassment swamped her, and heat suffused her face.

  What were they thinking?

  Brielle attempted to pull away, but Tim didn’t release her. Looking back at him she saw the look of ownership in his eyes.

  She didn’t know if she liked that look or not. Sure, being with him made her feel safe and cherished. Her attraction for him couldn’t be denied, but she didn’t know if what she was feeling for him was real or gratitude that it had been him that had saved her more than once.

  Chapter Eight

  Tim maneuvered his car into the visitor bay underneath Brielle’s building. He switched the engine off and faced her. “Quite an eventful day, huh?”

  Brielle smiled, and his dick twitched against his pants. Ever since the kiss they’d shared in the hospital waiting room, he’d been standing at half-mast. “Very much so, but little Emma is beautiful.”

  “Yeah she is. Not quite the introduction to my team I wanted you to have.”

  She reached out and laid her hand over his. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I had a really good time today. And how could I regret meeting gorgeous Emma or all the guys on your team.”