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Wrong Time for Mr. Right Page 8
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Had it all been a set up? Had this been Aaron’s doing?
Was it his way to try and get her back into doing another film? There’d been no indication during the time they spent together that he wanted her to go back into making films. He hadn’t even mentioned it.
How else had someone known they’d be at the ice-cream parlor and taken their picture? It was Aaron who’d suggested the visit.
The thought of him using her in that way made her sick.
Pounding on the door startled her from her pity party. Sienna needed to get it together for Caleb’s sake. This was supposed to be their haven. They’d moved into their house earlier than planned. Fortunately the renovation had been finished so it hadn’t been an issue.
The knock sounded again, this time more impatient. The only people who knew she lived here were Shannon’s parents. It wouldn’t be a surprise if it was them demanding entrance into her house.
She took a deep breath and went down the hallway, looking through the peephole.
Glenda and Steve stood on her front porch.
It would be so easy to walk back to the room she’d been in and ignore them. But she couldn’t. There was no way she’d let them threaten her or take Caleb away.
Sienna changed her life for that little boy and didn’t miss the all night shoots. The rare moments she missed the rush of being on a film set, Caleb would giggle or come up and hug her and that told her this relationship was more genuine than the ones she’d forged in LA.
“Hi, Glenda and Steve, this is an unexpected surprise.” She was proud of how cool and collected she sounded. If they could see the inside of her, they’d find out she was a mass of jumbled nerves and fears.
“Do you honestly think we wouldn’t come after our grandson’s picture was splashed over a magazine the whole country, no the whole world, would see? You promised you wouldn’t let this happen. But it did.”
The tirade wasn’t anything new. It was exactly what Shannon’s mother had sprouted when she’d first called Sienna.
“Look, why don’t you come in and sit down,” she offered, hoping the visit wouldn’t be hostile. Ha, like that was going to happen.
“Yes,” Steve answered. “That would be nice.”
A quick look at him and she wondered if this whole visit and the custody issue was being pushed by Glenda.
His whole countenance was one of resignation, as though he knew that no matter what he said or did, his wife would argue with him.
Sienna directed them to her sitting room. It was bright and airy with full length windows overlooking the glistening water of the pool. It was her favorite room in the whole house. “Why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll get us something to drink. Iced tea or lemonade?”
“We didn’t come here for drinks,” snapped Glenda.
“Iced tea,” said Steve at the same time.
Is this how it would be if they had custody of Caleb? One said yes the other no. Was this why Shannon and David had asked her to be their son’s guardian?
She’d do anything to protect her son. He was her son now, the courts recognized Shannon and David’s Will. It was time Glenda accepted that as well.
She didn’t want to uproot Caleb again. It wouldn’t be fair to the boy. This was going to be their home and if she had to agree to never date again, until he had graduated high school, she would. “I’ll be right back.”
Sienna used the few minutes it took to get the drinks to compose herself. She’d address the issue of Aaron succinctly. Explain he was at the resort for a wedding, and she hadn’t seen him since that photo was taken. Had no plans on seeing him again.
A stab of pain pierced her stomach. After experiencing bliss in his arms, she missed him more than when she’d first turned her back on him and Hollywood.
Losing herself in him, even for one night, was all it’d taken for the feelings she’d pushed aside to burst to life. Sienna had been in love with him since the day she signed on the dotted line for him to represent her. At the time, she’d considered it a crush. Now, she knew it was so much more.
Stop it. Now is not the time to think of Aaron. You have to protect your son.
The little voice in her head was right. Later, when she was alone in bed, she could relive the moments of Aaron holding her. Just like she’d done the past few nights since he’d left her villa at the resort.
She picked up the tray and carried it back to the sitting room.
“Where is Caleb?” Glenda demanded the second she stepped into the room.
“He’s visiting his friend, Elijah at the goat farm at the other end of the island.”
“You let him go by himself? What if someone takes his picture? I can’t believe you’d be so irresponsible as to leave him there.”
Sienna counted to ten before she answered. No matter how angry the woman got with her, she needed to remember she’d lost her only daughter. It didn’t matter that she herself had lost her only family member. “Glenda, please, you have to believe me when I say Caleb’s safety and privacy are my number one priority. Frankie Becker, who owns the farm, is married to a very wealthy man. He’s a part owner of the Barefoot Bay Bucks. She’d never let anything or anyone get close to Caleb. Besides, the other boy he’s with is the owner of Casa Blanca Resort’s son. Lacey trusts Frankie completely, and I do too.”
There was no way she was going to mention about Caleb having a sleep over at Frankie’s place. That would go down like a lead balloon.
Before she could say anything else or Glenda could respond, there was another knock at the door.
Who the hell is that?
Oh please, not the paparazzi. That would be the worst thing that could happen while Glenda was visiting.
“Excuse me, I’ll just go see who’s at the door.” Fear multiplied in her belly until it felt like a million butterflies flying around.
A quick look through the peephole had her shuffling back.
No. It can’t be.
She had to be imagining things.
Another look confirmed Aaron was actually standing on the other side of the wood. His hand was raised like he was about to knock again.
Why was everyone so impatient they expected people to answer the door in a matter of seconds from their initial knock?
Sienna yanked the door open. “It’s not a good time, Aaron.” She went to close it again but his hand hit the panel.
“I saw the magazine. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart, why is he calling me that? I’m not his sweetheart no matter how much I want to be.
She couldn’t let herself melt into him, regardless of how delicious he looked with his tight fighting blue T-shirt that highlighted his eyes. His biceps bulged beneath the band of his sleeves.
Holy heck, how she wanted those arms to curl around her. Having his support would be wonderful. Only, this was a fight she had to battle herself. But…she still didn’t know if it was him who’d alerted the press. Or someone else.
“I said now’s not a good time.”
“I know what you’re thinking, but it wasn’t me. I had nothing to do with it. I would never do that.”
“What?” He couldn’t read her mind, could he? Why else would he say something like that?
“Who’s at the door, Sienna?” Glenda came up behind her and she braced for the inevitable explosion. “Oh my God, you’re the man in the photo with my grandson. Get away from here! How could you do that to my grandson, you horrid man? You’re not welcome here.”
“Glenda, that’s uncalled for.” Shock at Glenda’s outburst and declaration fried her synapses.
What was she thinking, saying something like that?
“I would think that’s for Sienna to decide, considering this is her house. And, by the way, you don’t know me, so please refrain from making judgments. Besides, I’m here for Sienna and Caleb, not you.” Aaron took hold of her hand, and Sienna gripped it like a life preserver keeping her from being c
arried away by a severe undertow.
He was here for her. Just like David would’ve been if she’d been in trouble. As naïve as it was, and it could prove to be her downfall, she believed him when he’d said he had nothing to do with the picture. Aaron knew how important Caleb was to her.
“I believe you.” Her answer was two-fold, and he would know it. “Please come in, Aaron.”
He smiled and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “It’s going to be okay,” he whispered in her ear. “You can hold on to me, I’ll keep you steady.”
The tension that had been riding her shoulders since she’d first received Glenda’s phone call began to disperse. However, it wouldn’t go totally away until Caleb’s custody issue was solved once and for all.
“I don’t like this,” Glenda huffed as she stomped down the hallway.
It probably would be more dramatic if she’d been wearing something other than Keds.
Sienna waited until the other woman had disappeared into the room before she faced Aaron. She opened her mouth but he placed two fingers over them.
“You know everything she says is because she’s hurting.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Do you trust me, Sienna?” he asked.
For the first time since he’d knocked on her door, she allowed herself to look into his eyes, not just give them a passing glance.
Honesty, desire and something else twinkled in their depths.
“Of course, I trust you.” And she did. Had done so from the second he’d offered to represent her.
He’d never set her astray. All the deals Aaron had made as her agent had always been the best for her. One of the reasons she’d made so much money. He’d worked hard for her. It was another one of the reasons she loved him.
“Whatever I say, agree with me. Afterwards, you can say whatever you want to. But if you want to make sure that Caleb stays with you, then go along with me.”
Apprehension crawled back into her. Sienna was getting tired of always feeling this way. Always worried about what she said or did. But, no matter what Aaron said or did, he wouldn’t do anything to harm her. Or Caleb. Her heart told her as much.
“Okay, let’s go, sweetheart. We’ve got a little boy’s future to secure.”
She squeezed his hand. God, she hoped she was doing the right thing.
Chapter Fifteen
The animosity flying toward him from Glenda the second he walked in the sitting room had Aaron mentally ducking.
The pain and grief the woman was going through was etched into her features. The dark rings under her eyes indicated she didn’t sleep well. Beneath all the grief he could see the family resemblance between Glenda and Caleb, they both had the same colored eyes and high forehead.
Sympathy for her welled inside of him, even if she’d been a total bitch in the hallway. It must be awful to lose a child, and he didn’t even have one of his own. Although, he hoped he could remedy that soon.
He released his grip on Sienna’s hand and went toward the man sitting in the room. He guessed this was Glenda’s husband, Caleb’s grandfather. “Hi, I’m Aaron Madison.” He held out his hand. “And, yes, I’m the man in the photo with Sienna and your grandson. Please accept my apologies that the picture was taken. I know it’s the last thing Sienna wanted to happen.”
The other man stood, he was tall and Aaron wondered if Caleb would be as well. He took Aaron’s outstretched hand, giving it a brief, but firm shake. “Steve Blackwood. And thank you.”
Aaron looked at Glenda and Steve. “Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter and her son-in-law.”
A cry of distress erupted from the woman, and the man placed his arm around his wife’s shoulders before he whispered something in her ear. Whatever he’d said calmed her.
Now that’s true love.
“Thank you,” Steve said quietly.
Aaron didn’t miss the glitter of tears in his eyes. It took a lot of courage to show your vulnerability in front of a total stranger. His respect for the man increased.
Now was the time to take the bull by the horns and get the mess out of the way.
Aaron took a seat in the arm chair opposite the couch where the other couple sat. He placed an arm around Sienna and encouraged her to sit on the arm of the chair. When she did his hope that at the end of the day they’d be together blossomed. “I wanted to let you both know, Steve and Glenda, that Sienna had nothing to do with the photo. I didn’t either. It was one of those things, and I’m doing everything I can to find out who the culprit might be. I’ve spoken to Luke McBain, who runs security on the island, and he’s also looking into it. No one’s happy that the photo got out.”
“Aren’t you supposed to know about these things before they hit the press?” demanded Glenda. “I read the article. I know you’re Sienna’s manager or agent or whatever. I’m not sure I believe you when you say you didn’t arrange for this photo to appear in the press. This is my grandson’s life you’re playing with. I don’t understand what Shannon and David were thinking asking Sienna to be Caleb’s guardian. I hate the idea of a Hollywood starlet making decisions for my grandson until he can start making them on his own.”
He let the other woman get whatever she needed to say off her chest. As he’d told Sienna, everything she said was because she was grieving. The wound of her daughter’s death was still fresh and may never heal properly. How could it? No wonder she wanted to cling to her grandson. That in itself wasn’t healthy.
“I can assure you both I’d never do anything to jeopardize Caleb’s well-being. I care for your grandson.”
“Pfft, impossible, you’ve only known him a short time,” Glenda retorted.
“That may be the case, but who couldn’t love that little boy? He’s zest for life is infectious. But I also know he has sadness inside of him. I’m not a monster. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. I want to be a part of his life.”
Aaron felt Sienna stiffen beside him when he’d mentioned the word love. It was true, though. Caleb had managed to weave his way into his heart. He’d have to work hard to have the feeling reciprocated. It was something he was prepared to work for.
“Glenda, please,” Sienna pleaded. “I love Caleb as much as you. I hate that his picture is on that magazine cover. You have to believe me when I say I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“How can I believe you?” she demanded. “Caleb would be safer with us. Right, Steve?”
The grandfather’s response was a non-committal sound.
Although, it was Sienna’s little cry of distress he focused on. No way was he going to let that happen.
“Would it be fair to put Caleb through the distress of a custody battle, especially so close to the death of his parents.”
“Aaron has a point, Glenda.” Sienna popped off the couch and sat by the older woman.
Aaron waited to see what she’d do next.
“I know you love him with all your heart. I do, too. Wouldn’t you rather be a grandmother to him? Wouldn’t you rather be the one to spoil him and give him all the treats a mother wouldn’t approve of? I know that’s what you did. David used to tell me what a wonderful grandma you were to Caleb. How you’d sneak him candy when they weren’t looking. Let me tell you, Caleb still loves it when he opens his bag after visiting you and sees you slipped in his favorite lollypop without him seeing. Let me be his mother and scold him for eating too much candy.”
This was no false declaration. It wasn’t lines from a movie script that’d been written for her. Every single word was spoken from the heart.
As she’d been speaking, he’d seen the cracks appear in Glenda’s resolve. Perhaps he could help, too. “Do you know what my favorite memory of my childhood is, Glenda?”
“The sound of my grandfather, shoes scuffing along the linoleum floor, as he crossed the kitchen to the glass covered upper cabinets. I knew what h
e was doing and I could hardly sit still when the sound of the cupboard door opening and the distinctive crinkle of a plastic candy bag filled the room. Grandad never let us leave without a handful of candy. My parents knew better than to argue, but they made sure I didn’t scarf it all down and make myself sick. Let Caleb have those memories of the times he spent with you.”
Glenda’s steadfastness crumbled and her shoulders shook as she was overcome with sobs.
Sienna wrapped her arms around the woman, her gaze connected with Aaron’s. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Thank you,” she mouthed.
Chapter Sixteen
With a wave of her hand, Sienna closed the door and slumped against it. Her emotions where stretched thin and there was still more upheaval to come.
After Glenda had stopped crying, Aaron had told them he’d leave them all to talk. He hadn’t left, but had gone to sit on the back patio.
Even though he wasn’t sitting beside her, knowing he was close by gave her the strength to handle the situation they’d all been avoiding.
It seemed Glenda’s emotional outburst had been cleansing for her and she was more rational than Sienna had ever seen her.
They’d all agreed that she’d remain Caleb’s primary caregiver, and Glenda and Steve could be the grandparents they loved being.
Sienna had promised when she and Caleb had settled into a good routine they’d make more visits than the once-a-month one they’d been doing over the last few months. When the little boy was secure in his new life, then he could sleepover and spend a weekend with them.
Understanding that grief had driven Glenda’s actions should’ve been something she’d recognized earlier.
Warm hands closed over her shoulders, and she startled at the contact.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
Sienna was grateful that her back was to Aaron so he couldn’t see how his words affected her. No doubt he felt the way her body had reacted to his touch. She turned, loosening his hands from her shoulders. “Yeah. It is now.”