Guarding Amberley Page 8
In a couple of sentences, Tom had given her an insight as to how difficult missions could be on them. Without a doubt, she believed they’d been the ones who’d rescued the photo journalist. The incident reminded her of her conversation with Samantha Rayse about her sister. And how her sister’s husband was on team similar to Tom’s.
“Do you work with other special ops teams from other branches of the military?” she asked.
“Sometimes, why do you ask?”
Amberley bit her lip, wishing she hadn’t asked that question. She’d promised she would keep the actress’s confidence and not breathe a word of it to anyone. It wasn’t her story to tell anyway. “No reason, it doesn’t matter.”
She yelped as Tom moved her so she straddled his legs. “Tom, what are you doing?”
“If we’re going to have a relationship there needs to be complete honesty between us. I know I just said I can’t tell you about my missions, but with every other aspect of our lives I will be totally honest with you. Whatever you tell me will always remain between us. There has to be a reason for you to ask that question. I can see it in your eyes.”
“I’m not sure I should say anything. I made a promise to someone to keep her secret.”
“Ambs, it’s not as if I’m a gossip reporter. Or someone who would call up an online magazine and spread rumors. I’ve got plenty of secrets.” His hand smoothed over her head and she leaned into his palm. The touch was comforting and gave her the sense she was the most precious thing in the world.
He’d come to see her. He’d gotten off the plane in Virginia and instead of staying at his home, he’d flown across the country to see her. His motives for seeing her weren’t because of what her parents could give him. Far from it. He wasn’t using her to gain an in with a director or producer.
Tom was here because he wanted to be with her. She could trust him not to say anything. As he said, he kept plenty of information to himself.
“I know it’s a lot to ask but you can trust me, Ambs, with anything. And if you don’t want to say anything I’ll totally respect that too.”
Amberley sighed and plucked at the buttons on Tom’s shirt. She could trust him. Besides the odds of him knowing this Ghost person and his team was slim. “The actress who is playing the lead role in the movie I wrote the script for, her sister was kidnapped and rescued by her now husband. She said his team pulled her sister out of Egypt before things got really nasty. Her sister was about to be raped, but the team stormed the building and rescued her and the other hostages. If it wasn’t for this Ghost person, she wouldn’t have her sister.”
Tom’s muscles went from relaxed to hard as steel in a nanosecond beneath her. What the hell? Had he been on that mission too?
She pulled away from him. “Are you okay?” she asked, noticing even his facial features were as tight as the thigh muscles she was sitting on.
“Maybe. You said his name was Ghost?”
“Yeah, do you know him?”
“What’s his wife’s name?”
Knowing that in a couple of days the casting news would be announced, she was comfortable letting Tom know Samantha’s name. But telling him Samantha’s sister’s name after she bungled and blurted out Ghost’s, she wasn’t sure she could, or should do it.
He sighed beneath her and his muscles relaxed a fraction. “You asked if we worked with other military special ops teams and the answer is yes. This is one mission I can give you a few details on. About a year or so ago we were on a mission where we rescued T-Rex’s wife, Brielle. On the helicopter with us was a team from another arm of the military—a Delta Force team. Their team lead’s name is Ghost.”
Amberley gasped. “You don’t think it’s the same guy do you? I mean how many special forces guys across the military would have the same nickname?”
Tim chuckled. “Probably more than you think. But, if this girl’s sister’s name is Rayne then yep, same one. Rayne and Ghost were involved when Brielle and T-Rex got taken a few months ago.”
She had to have heard him incorrectly. He couldn’t have said that Brielle and T-Rex had been taken. How did a SEAL even let that happen? On top of the fact that Samantha’s sister and husband were known to Tom, her mind was swirling.
Pushing away from him she disentangled herself and stood up. “This is all too much. Let me make sure if I’ve got this straight. You know Ghost and his team. You’ve met Rayne, Ghost’s wife and Samantha’s sister. And your teammate and his wife got kidnapped, I assume that’s what you meant when you said they’d been taken.”
“Yes to all of it.”
Amberley shook her head. “This is crazy.”
Tom shrugged and took a sip of his glass of water. “Not really. Sometimes special ops teams work together and then get friendly. We’ve worked with a SEAL team based out of San Diego a couple of times. Ghost and his team knows them well too.”
“What about, you know, being all secretive and stuff.”
Tom stood, closed the distance between them and slipped his arms around her waist. “Ambs, we don’t talk about our separate missions. I’m sure there’s stuff that Ghost and his team have done that I don’t know about. Like they don’t know about all the stuff we’ve done. At the end of the day we’re all after the one goal—keep all our loved ones and their families safe. We serve our country and are damn honored to do it.”
There was no mistaking the pride in his voice as his spoke. She went up on tiptoe. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” She closed the small gap between them and groaned when Tom enclosed her in his strong arms.
Why had they waited so long to do this?
Why couldn’t he have kissed her when they were younger? Or she could’ve kissed him. Jenny would’ve been okay with them hooking up. Maybe not straight away, but there would’ve been no way she would’ve forgotten her friendship with Jenny. Just like Tom hadn’t forgotten his friendship with Darren when he and Jenny had gotten together.
The shrill of the doorbell broke through their embrace.
“You expecting anyone?” Tom asked, resting his forehead against hers.
“No. Not many people know where I live. Plus security always calls me when someone is coming to see me before letting them through. Like they did with the pizza.”
“Interesting. When I said my name, they opened the gates for me and told me to go ahead.” He cocked an eyebrow in enquiry.
Heat suffused her cheeks. “I may have put your name on my automatic guest list. I have a select few that don’t need to be announced.
“Well I’m glad I’m a part of the special group of people”
The doorbell rang again. Whoever it was, wasn’t being very patient. Tom’s muscles had tensed again and she had a fair idea what was coming next.
“I’m opening the door.”
“Fine.” Arguing about that would be pointless. The short time she’d spent at his house had shown her he never left his job behind. Always protecting or guarding even in the comfort of his own home. It shouldn’t surprise her that he’d do it in her place, even though he’d only been there for long.
“Looks like another delivery,” he said as he pulled away from looking through the peephole.
“Hmm I’m not expecting anything. The only thing I ordered was the pizza.”
“Right.” Tom yanked open the door with so much force, Amberley was surprised he didn’t pull it off its hinges.
The delivery guy jumped back as if he was about to be attacked by a vicious dog. “I-I-I’ve got a delivery here for an Amberley Price.” His voice broke over saying her name and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Thanks to streaming services a fresh batch of viewers were seeing her show. All the young actors working waitressing jobs would love to have her problem and she shouldn’t react the way she did. It was just she was trying to get a new career established. She wanted to be known for more than her television show, and this movie was going to change that for her—she hoped.
“How did you get past security?” To
m demanded and Amberley watched as the guy swallowed visibly.
“Umm th-they checked my stuff and then let me through,” he stammered. She decided to take pity on the guy. But she was going to speak to security about not notifying her.
She ducked under Tom’s arm where he still gripped the door. “I’m Amberley Price.”
The guy shoved a box and electronic signing pad at her. Tom grabbed the parcel while she took the bulky device. With a quick stroke of the pen on the LCD screen she handed it back. “Thanks.”
“It’s exciting to meet you, Ms. Price.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. “Can I take a selfie with you? My friends didn’t believe me when I snapped them half an hour ago to say I was delivering something to your house.”
Beside her she could feel the tension in Tom rising and laid a hand on his arm. Instinct yelled at her that he was about to shove the guy back on his ass and slam the door in his face. When she’d been working all those years ago, she hadn’t had a reputation as a diva, and with social media these days, she had no plans on becoming a meme, GIF or the latest trending topic on twitter. “Sure.” She faced Tom and gave him a slight shove in the chest. “I’ve got this,” she muttered to him.
He gave her an intense stare before tucking the box under his arm and taking two steps back.
“Are you ready?” she asked the delivery guy, noticing the way his eyes kept darting between her and Tom. Great, there was still a chance she’d end up as a trending topic.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Amberley stood next to the guy and smiled when he held his phone up. “Thank you so much, my friends still won’t believe this, even with the photo. Are you going to be doing any movies or a new TV show soon? It’s been a while since you’ve done one. Why?”
The guy peppered questions at her with all the skill of a seasoned reporter. A sense of dread swept over her. Had she been played? Had the bumbling, nervous guy he’d been when he arrived had all been an act?
“I think you’re overstepping the mark. Ms. Price will not be answering those questions. Now I suggest you leave?” Tom’s voice, deep and powerful, washed over her and the color leeched from the guys face.
“I-I-I’m sorry. I’ll just go now.” He turned and dashed down the path to where his vehicle was parked.
“Does this happen often? Why the hell didn’t security notify you like they did when the pizza arrived? You do know people impersonate all types of occupations just so they can get close to their victims. Those guards should be fired.”
Enough was enough.
Amberley closed her front door, whirled and poked her finger in Tom’s hard chest. “Stop that right now. You don’t own me. You don’t get to dictate who should or should not be fired. My life is my own and I do my own thing. What happened tonight is rare. Most delivery people are much more relaxed because they do it so much. Seeing stars in their homes doesn’t make them star struck like that guy.”
Tom’s shoulders relaxed a little and he blew out a breath, running his hand through his hair, giving it a just out of bed look. Now that was a look she’d like to give him herself. “I’m sorry. You’re right. It’s just I didn’t like how he invaded your privacy like that.”
“Comes with the territory.” She held out hand for the box he was still holding. “Can I have my parcel now?”
“Sure.” He held up to his ear before turning it over in his hands. This time she rolled her eyes.
“Aren’t you being a little extra?”
“No. Besides you said you weren’t expecting anything. And it’s after eight, not exactly delivery hours.”
She reached out and took the box from Tom before he could open it himself. “Check all the delivery company websites, you’ll see most will say they’ll deliver up to nine in the evening.” Amberley walked into the kitchen to get a knife so she could slit the tape. When she turned she almost stabbed Tom, he was that close to her. “I’m perfectly capable of opening a box. I don’t need any help.”
“Right, sorry.” He shook his arms out and when he cocked his head to the left she heard it crack. “Sometimes it’s hard to switch off after a mission. I’m hyperaware of everything for a couple of days upon my return.”
Placing the knife and box on the bench she closed the distance between them. If she wanted a relationship with Tom, and she certainly did, helping him after he returned home from missions would become a priority. She would do whatever was necessary to help him adjust. The parcel could wait, Tom couldn’t. She smoothed her hands up his arms, looping them around his neck.
“Maybe I can take your mind off things for a little while.” Without giving him a chance to respond she pressed her lips against his. His mouth opened immediately beneath hers at the same time his own arms closed around her, holding her tight against him.
She would talk to him about what happened with the delivery guy, but not now. In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t something that had to be sorted out that very minute. All that mattered to her was Tom. Amberly broke the kiss and looked up at him. “Take me to bed, Red.”
His eyes widened at her request and the use of his nickname. “Anything for you, babe.”
She yelped in surprise when he scooped her up in his arms.
“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked as he strode out of the kitchen and back into the hallway.
“Upstairs and last door on the left.” Her heart leaped out of her chest. Finally, Tom was going to be hers.
Chapter Nine
The second Tom stepped into Amberley’s room, a sense of peace washed over him. It wasn’t the tasteful pale green comforter on the bed. Or the beautiful wooden furniture that was scattered about the room. It was the woman in his arms.
His Amberley.
His body hardened even more at his possessive thought. Yes, she was his and he had no plans to let her go.
Tom set her on her feet and then pulled the comforter back, the decorative pillows bouncing down the bed.
“Your technique needs a little work there, soldier.”
“Babe, I’m not a soldier, I’m a seaman. Don’t get the two mixed up.”
She blinked a couple of times at him. “There’s so much I could say here, but I won’t.”
He laughed loudly. Already the tension from the mission and the way the delivery guy acted around her, melted away. “Like I haven’t heard them all before.” He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “Let me show you just how good of a seaman I am.”
A shiver rippled through her and his dick pushed against the zipper of his jeans. “I can’t wait.”
Tom released his grip on her and bent to pull his shoes and socks off. His hand went to his waist band and he flicked open his jeans, relieving a bit of the pressure off his cock. He pulled his shirt up over his head, and a low moan of appreciation came from the bed. He couldn’t wait to feel her hands all over him. Their time in his kitchen hadn’t been long enough. Now, here in her bed, they both would have time to explore each other.
Once he had his shirt off he looked up and saw that Amberley had removed her dress, leaving her only in a scrap of black lace. Her nipples peaked, as if she’d been caressing them while he’d been busy taking off his shirt.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered as he removed his jeans and climbed on the bed. His dick strained against the cotton fabric of his boxer briefs.
“I need you, Tom. I’ve spent the last week and half dreaming about you. Now I want the reality.”
Amberley was right, he had wanted to take his time with her, but her words set him on edge. He knew if he entered her, he’d probably lose his load straight away.
He crawled up until he was over her, his arms on either side of her shoulders. “I’m real, babe.” He closed the gap and pressed his lips against her. A full body shudder ripped through him. Nothing had ever felt as right as kissing Amberley did right now.
Her fingernails dug into his biceps and he didn’t care if she left marks on his arms. He wa
s more than happy to be branded by her.
He was hers.
He swept a hand down the side of her body, until he connected with the waistband of her panties. Hooking a finger beneath it, he tugged and she lifted her ass, allowing him to push the fabric down her legs. Kissing his way up her inner thigh, careful not to touch her pussy, no matter how much he wanted too. He trailed kisses over her belly until he found one breast. He sucked the pebbled peak into his mouth and Amberley moaned out loud, arching her back beneath him. His free hand massaged her other breast, plucking at her nipple while he continued to suck the other.
After a while he switched sides. By now Amberley clutched at his shoulders, lifting her hips and rubbing her pussy against his thigh.
God, he wanted to make her come. Wanted to make her scream his name as his fingers stroked in and out of her.
Keeping his mouth firmly focused on one breast his hand slipped down her body until he found the juncture between her thighs. He slipped one finger between her slick folds, her inner muscles clenched around him.
“Babe, you’re so wet.”
“All for you, Red. Only for you.”
Fuck, he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to possess her. He stroked his fingers in and out of her a couple more times before pulling and hopping off the bed.
“Where are you going?” Amberley moaned.
“Condom.” He grabbed his jeans and pulled out his wallet, grabbing the square packet. In one motion he thrust his boxers down and ripped it open. He rolled it on as he got back on the bed. When he settled himself between her thighs he framed her face so that she was looking at him.
“I need you, Ambs.”
Her fingers brushed against his cheek and she smiled up at. “I’m all yours.”
Reaching down he guided the tip of his cock to her entrance and with one fluid movement entered her. They both groaned once he settled himself fully in her.
This was how it should be between them. A soft mattress under them instead of a hard wall. Tom started to move slowly in and out of her. Her hips chasing him, wanting to keep him connected to her.